Relationship Theories


Relationship Theories

By tomdignam2024 / January 26, 2024 /

It posits that social relations are critical for both mental and physical health and that the quality of our social network can significantly impact our well-being as we age. Each of these theories offers a unique lens through which to view human relationships, emphasising different aspects such as emotional bonds, social networks, life stages, and…

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Orgasm meditation

By tomdignam2024 / January 26, 2024 /

Orgasm meditation (OM), also known as orgasmic meditation, is a mindfulness sexual wellness practice that focuses on sensation awareness and mindful connection. It has been used by some as a tool in sexual therapy, primarily to enhance intimacy and sexual connection, particularly for those who might be experiencing barriers in their sexual lives. OM is…

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Is It Your Partner’s ‘Job’ to Satisfy Your Needs?

By tomdignam2024 / January 26, 2024 /

Inter & Intrapersonal needs are an important aspect of personal and relational well-being. It’s vital to recognise that while partnerships can offer support, companionship, and love, each individual is ultimately responsible for their own needs and fulfilment. This perspective is grounded in the principles of self-awareness and self-responsibility, key aspects of holistic self-identity and awareness.…

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Are We Truly Monogamous?

By tomdignam2024 / January 26, 2024 /

The concept of monogamy versus polyamory or polygamy in human societies is indeed complex and nuanced. A perspective from Psychology Today highlights the biological imprint of polygamy in humans, distinguishing between polygyny (one-man, multiple wives) and polyandry (one-woman, multiple husbands). While 80% of early human societies were polygamous, the shift to monogamy in later populations…

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

By tomdignam2024 / January 26, 2024 /

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique and creative form of therapy that focuses on enhancing psychological flexibility. It is particularly effective in helping individuals deal with difficult emotions and thoughts, fostering a greater sense of well-being and personal growth. It is an action-oriented approach to psychotherapy that stems from traditional behaviour therapy and…

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